R.I.P. Peter Oliver

For the fifth time in the last half year, someone close to me has departed. Time and time again, I am reminded of life’s impermanence.

I met Peter more than 15 years ago. We have been training at the same martial arts dojo and under the same master. Peter was always jovial, even during extreme physical and mental exhaustion.

Given that he was physically fit, his death seems completely senseless and stupid. Returning home one fateful night in March, he realized he had locked himself out of his West Hollywood apartment. During the attempt to climb through a upper-floor window, the ladder gave way. Unfortunately, Peter’s neck hit an obstacle during the fall, and he succumbed to his injuries.

At the memorial service, someone stated that nothing disappears without a trace. In Peter’s case, there can be no doubt about this. Peter was a skilled carpenter. His hands’ toil can be seen all over the dojo and will remain there as a testimony to his labors, and to his memory.

22nd Annual Grand Canyon Karate Camp, Flagstaff, Arizona, 2001. From left to right: Reinhard Kargl, Mike Johanns (standing), Carol Genovese, Peter Oliver, Tibor Hegedus, Stephanie Vieth, James Field Sensei, Mary-Beth Macaluso, Irene Wong, Guy Okazaki

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Journalist and media professional currently based in Los Angeles, California. Focusing on science and technology.